Croquet Victoria
Advancing Croquet in Victoria

Club page - Eaglehawk Community Croquet Club

About us


Eaglehawk Community Croquet Club - 20-26 Napier St, Eaglehawk (next to Leisure Centre)

Postal Address: P.O Box 85, Eaglehawk, VIC 3556.

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Golf Croquet: is played on Wednesdays - arrive 9:30am - start at 10:00am. Practice is on Saturdays same time.

Golf Croquet Pennant (September-December): is played on Thursdays commencing at 10:00am. Practice is on Saturdays same time

Come & Try Golf Croquet: every Saturday - arrive 9:30am - start at 10:00am. Monday 9.30 -start 10.00am also a come and try day.

Contact us

Club President
Carol Donne
0427 010271
cjmacdonne @ outlook . com

Club Secretary
Pat Patchett
0428 357 491
patchworx21 @ gmail . com

Club Treasurer
Judith Merrett
0401 163 942
no email

Club Contact
Barbara Lomas
0417 313760
barbara . lomas1 @ bigpond . com

Full Members List

Postal Address
20-26 Napier Street, EAGLEHAWK, 3556

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This club page has been accessed 7291 times since 25 April 2015

Eaglehawk info

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Club News!

Our first Social day for the year will be March 21st We have 32 players to enjoy a full day of croquet A BYO lunch with morning cuppa and afternoon tea will be enjoyed. Looking forward to a great day. _Update the day was a outstanding success . Full courts amazing jump shots and tight competion Winneron the day Brian from Bendigo.

A very successful day was hosted by Eaglehawk,with members from 4 clubs competing. Mandy Banks was the winner to become the 1st Division 3 goldfields Regonial Champion.Judy Merrett from Eaglehawk was the runner up Well done to all players officials and Spectors that attended.

Goldfields Croquet Assocation Social Day

Eaglehawk hosted the first social day November 8th for Goldfields Croquet Ass. A outstanding successful day where old friendships renewed and many new ones formed during amazing games of croquet. We had a B.Y.O.lunch to sit around and get to know fellow players A grand afternoon tea rounded off a amazing day .Looking forward to a long assocation with Goldfields Croquet .

Special Events

History of Eaglehawk Croquet Club

The Eaglehawk Croquet Club was founded in 1909, in premises vacated by the Eaglehawk Bowling Club. There are no records for the years 1910-1942, but the clubhouse was unlined with no electricity or water.

During World War II memberships dropped to just 7 members, however between 1943/46 membership increased to 23. Electricity was connected to the Clubhouse in 1947. During the years 1955-58 the club rooms were rebuilt and enlarged.

1959/63 Life Memberships were presented and the club celebrated its 50th birthday with sister clubs and past members.

Golf Croquet was introduced in 1975 and was played on Wednesdays (as is still the case today). The club celebrated its 90th birthday with the oldest member at that time - Nell Mitchell- cutting the cake and a stained glass window was also unveiled.

We play Association, Golf Croquet and Golf Croquet Pennant and golf croquet membership is increasing.